Sunday 3 March 2013

Introductions are in order...


Let me start by introducing myself... I'm Obama-in-training. Obie for short.

Joining me is my learned friend and co-writer, Lexie (Lex for short which you will all know to be Latin for law I'm sure)

Lexie and I, as our profile says, are students at Sussex Law School, and proud as punch to be attending such a fine, upstanding higher educational establishment that isn't in the Russell group! Ha! But in all seriousness people, It is a fine institution. We have a great faculty, with superior knowledge (helpful for getting you out of those sticky situations with the police after a drunken night out... you know who you are!) and sensational charisma. The fact that I just got accepted into the newly established Innocence Project (USIP) is going a looong way toward boosting my opinion of the school, and it's members. Lexie may disagree...

So you can probably tell, by the fact that we are still so patriotic towards our faculty, that we are first year law students. The babies of the bunch. The bottom of the proverbial food chain as it were. We think we know everything, suddenly all our friends start coming to us for legal advice; in fact, we know NOTHING! But that's why we started this blog... we find, especially with law, and I'm sure most people agree that discussing cases and articles that we read, both for educational and recreational purposes, are better understood when there is a group of you discussing it (or at least you can turn to the smartest person in the group for all the answers, much like in seminar's, when there is only one person speaking, because they are the only one's that have bothered to do any of the reading, and you are content to sit back and watch this happen, chiming in occasionally so you don't score anything less than a 2:i for your termly report, ironically, Lexie and I are so full of it, we obviously consider ourselves to be the best in the class, and are such nerds that we actually bother to do the reading, and learn something so we get our £9000-worth of education, that we are the saddo's that dominate the seminars, along with a select group of other conscientious individuals). Therefore, that’s the aim of the game: aside from imparting our insanely funny sense of humour upon the world, we plan to keep law students, and whosoever else in the general public that deigns to read our blog, updated of news, especially legal news (to help increase our commercial awareness, something we are all too familiar when it comes to job applications), by posting links to various articles on the internet and twitter; AND critically analyse the cases that we learn about as we go along in order to gain a deeper understanding of the ratio (Mary's ELS lectures are actually coming in handy!) and have a bit of a discussion, to help with essay writing. We will also try and keep our readers updated of any vac schemes, training contracts, pupillages and mini's, and provide useful hints and tips to successfully completing an application (in any career, not just law).

So please do feel free to contribute at any time! We look forward to interacting with you all!

Disclaimer: All you clever-clogs (especially those reading Law) will of course realise that these are not our real names; we have been forced (by some unknown-to-us-as-yet law) to remain anonymous in order to protect ourselves from the liability of any tortious acts we may commit (i.e defamation). However, we are of course always protected by the primary defense: We are writing only our opinions, not the opinion of the university or any other individual or public body, and anything we do publish should not be taken as hard fact (unless of course we tell you it is!). Also having to use code-names makes everything infinitely cooler!

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