Monday 4 March 2013

Don't you just HATE Monday's?! Actually, I think if I were a working-gal, i'd hate Sunday's even more! It's like they were made to stare you in the face and laugh and say, "Ha! I'm the last day you get off before needing to go back to work!" There go the late nights, as you need to be bright and perky for Monday, because if you're not, it ruin's your whole week. And, if you have kids, then it mean's your day trip out needs to finish even earlier, because kids have school (so much better than work!) and they actually get tired! Though I do remember wanting to stay up as late as possible when I was growing up... And don't you just love 5:59am, when you are deep in sleep, warm, comfortable, and having the most amazing dream about Tom Welling / Hallie Berry / a Big Mac (whatever take your fancy), and then all of a sudden, out of the blue, it's 6am, your alarm goes off, you stop dreaming, you stop being warm and comfortable, and a wave of dread pours over you when you realise, "I have to go to work today!" And you turn over in bed, pull the duvet over your head and spend the next 5 minutes dreaming about winning £77 million on the Euromillions lottery.

Have you heard that joke about the man who prayed to win the lottery? Well i'm going to tell it anyway... There was this guy, and every night he prayed really really hard to God, to make him win the lottery. After some time, God, feeling sorry for this poor sucker, decides to respond; He says, "Man, I hear your prayer (I made this up), and I understand your desire to win the lottery. I will help you. But you must meet me half way. You need to buy a lottery ticket!" Hahahaha
It's a two-way street people! You want success? You have to put in the effort!

So if you do hate Monday's (and Sunday's), you'll hate me even more; Sussex LLB Law students don't start until 11am on Monday's :-D

Enough with complaining about the start of the week. Lexie and I thought that for our first proper post, we'd post something entertaining. It's not strictly law-related but I figured it's related enough as it concerns an American lawyer (you can already tell it's going to be humorous).
I got this story from the Wall Street Journal, but can't post a link to it as I don't know when or where it originated from.

So, this American lawyer (Charlotte, North Carolina) purchases a box of rather expensive cigars, and insured them against--wait for it-- FIRE! Yes, you read right.. Fire. Stupidest thing you have ever heard? Keep reading, it gets better...
The Lawyer smoked his entire store of cigars without making a single claim against his policy, so, proceeded to filing his claim.
The insurance company were rightly outraged, and refused to accommodate the claim. The lawyer, obviously following his instincts, sued.
The judge agreed with the insurance company that this was a bogus and frivolous claim, but upon inspecting the contract, the judge stated that policy was valid (there were no mistakes, misrepresentations, exclusion clauses etc.. PLease refer to Mary's Contract Law lectures for further information). The policy deemed the cigars to be insurable, and insurable against fire, without stipulating unacceptable conditions under which fire would not be tolerated. Thus the insurance company were obliged to pay the lawyer! Instead of enduring a lengthy process of appeal, the insurance company paid the lawyer $15000 in compensation for the loss of his cigars in a series of small fires.
Wait, it gets better...
The lawyer, upon receiving his compensation cheque, deposited it straight into his bank account. The following morning the insurance company had him arrested on 20 separate counts of... ARSON! The lawyer was fined... $24000 and was forced to serve 20 consecutive 1 year sentences!

HAHAHA. How's that for justice?! One (not Lex or I) might speculate that there are severe deficiencies n the American justice system... At least the insurance company had a sense of humour!

Moral of the story: Even if you are stupid, you can still be a lawyer!

I'd love to hear your thought's on this. And watch out for Lexie's first post; It'll have a bit more substance and relation to the law.

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